Invisalign - What It Means For You

The team at Hartley Dental pride themselves on offering a full range of Orthodontic (teeth straightening) systems for our current and new patients.A recent addition to the practice’s treatments in this area is Invisalign.So What Is Invisalign?Invisalign is a new teeth straightening treatment which can be provided by the Hartley Dental Team, led by Charlie, who has undergone specific training from the providers of the Invisalign system. The Invisalign system is great for simple tooth movements, to get those little details right for you! Whilst this treatment may not be appropriate for everyone, Invisalign patients have seen fantastic results in a relatively short period of time - especially when compared to some of the more traditional teeth straightening treatments available.Four Things To Know About Invisalign1. Clear, Discreet, Safe & Gentle TreatmentThe beauty of Invisalign is that once you're given the green light to have the treatment, we can go ahead immediately. Also, as the the name suggests, the treatment is specifically designed to be discreet - not the dreaded lumps of metal people often envisage when thinking about teeth straightening treatments! The makers of the system have listened to the feedback from patients and dentists all over the world and have made their system a more subtle, gentle and speedy treatment. The system gently moves your teeth into their new position, straightening them to give you a great smile and improved self esteem, without the unsightly metal of other treatments.2. Treatment ParticularsSo what is this treatment all about? Well, firstly we will do an initial assessment to ensure that you can be prescribed the Invisalign treatment. This is done by entering expert clinical photographs, X-Rays and assessment information into a cloud based digital software system, which gives us an immediate answer on whether you are appropriate for treatment - a really easy and fast process! Once we know Invisalign is suitable for you, we take exact impressions of your teeth, which are sent to the Invisalign Dental Laboratory for the appliance to be made. This is done using the latest 3D printing technology, to ensure 100% accuracy and comfort for you. We also track exactly how your teeth move during your treatment time, by taking regular clinical photographs and feeding them into the cloud based treatment planning tool, which gives Charlie an exact picture of how your treatment is progressing - we will also be happy to share this information with you, to give you a powerful visual representation of your progress during your treatment.3. Actual TreatmentThe actual treatment is the most important part, of course, and this comes in the form of a removable ‘retainer,’ which you must wear for 22 hours a day for the treatment to be effective. The Invisalign system uses special micro attachments, which help painlessly and subtlety move the teeth into the desired position. The beauty of Invisalign is that the appliance can be removed whilst you eat and also cleaned at the same time, stopping all the potential problems of food sticking in your appliance and the associated discomfort that can come with a fixed appliance.You will have regular review appointments with your dentist, Charlie, who will ensure that the system is working for you, answer any questions you may have and take those all important clinical photos to track your progress throughout the treatment. The treatment can take take as little as 6 months, however more complex cases may take longer - that’s why we have such a thorough assessment process, to ensure we meet your specific needs.4. Investment Requirements From YouThe main aim of this treatment is to give you a great smile by subtly moving your teeth into a more desirable position. This, coupled with the expert care and time provided by the Hartley Dental Team, led by Charlie, really does provide a superb experience for our patients! Whilst the Invisalign system isn’t free, it doesn’t require as much investment as some other more complicated and longer treatments. Although we cannot ever provide an exact price for any treatment before we actually see a patient, the guide investment for Invisalign is £2,995.So there you have it - Invisalign explained! If this is something that you think may be of interest to you, why not give one of our friendly team a call on 01752 661361 or email us via’s work together to improve families’ smiles for generations to come!


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